Fascinating Fascinators

Holiday themed fascinator with green holly leaf design  and small red pompoms on the brim. Pale green shimmery ribbon is artfully arranged behind the small hat.
Pale grey fascinator with beaded trim, small metallic chain, and cream colored ribbon.
Blue and silver fascinator decorated with gears, grey trim, and a large silver key.
Plastic human skull wearing black hat draped with black sheer fabric with red spiderweb design. A small human skeleton is sitting on the brim of the hat.
Red fascinator with black lace design, white feathers on the brim, and a black feather plume.
Brown plaid fascinator with long and skinny brown and white feathers like a pheasant's tail.

ARTISAN NAME: Ginger Silverman


ARTISAN STATEMENT: I make Fascinating Fascinators! At least 30% of each hat comes from FabMo! I love shopping for all the fun things I put in each hat. About 14 years ago I went to a FabMo Market. I enjoyed looking and buying things and wanted to make something that I could sell. Not too many hats were made at that time. I looked and thought about what I wanted to make. Something fun and different! I settled on the style you see. Mini hats that look like Lincoln stovepipe hats! I refined the patterns and created the size I wanted to work with. I use material, wall paper, rickrack, trim, flowers, and doodads from FabMo and feathers and lace from elsewhere. Sometimes I get feathers from Fabmo. As I like to say "Give me an Idea and I will put it in your hat!"




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