Want to help us protect the environment, one fabulous find at a time?
Your financial support is what makes it all possible. With your help, we save exquisite materials from designer showrooms and get them into the hands of talented artisans, educators, sewists, crafters, and creators. And we couldn’t do this without you! Please donate today.
Mail your check to:
FabMo, 1240 Birchwood Drive, Suite 2, Sunnyvale, CA 94089Come shop in person twice a month at our Sunnyvale location
Shop at our online store for local pickup and on eBay
Buy FabMo Gift Cards
Other ways you can help:
Companies from Gap to Google match their employees' charitable donations. Ask if your company has a matching gifts program.
Volunteer your time, talent and expertise.
Just look at what your donation can do:
$50 supports one community outreach event
$100 keeps the lights on for a month
$225 pays for one Design Center pickup
$300 covers one day of warehouse rent
Where your dollar goes
Donating Goods to FabMo
FabMo accepts your donations of fabric, notions, machines and more on a limited basis.
While most of our fabrics come from the design showrooms, we also accept material from individuals that match our needs and fall within our Intake Guidelines. Acceptable goods include new, unused fabric and other materials and tools for creative use.
Because the warehouse remains quite full, we will be strongly filtering donation offers for the foreseeable future. Please review the guidelines and then contact Hannah at to discuss a donation. Thanks.
FabMo is a 501(c)3 non-profit, charitable organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
EIN 27-0658796