Current Volunteer Needs
At FabMo we can always use the extra pair of hands to sort fabric or get ready for an event, a friendly greeter who makes our guest feel welcome and a dedicated cleaner-upper who likes to keep those fabric piles tidy during an event.
Our founders who to this day volunteer all their time!
In addition, we are occasionally looking for people with special talents and experience and to make it easier for you to know what we are looking for we’ll keep a running list here with a short description. If you want to help out our simply learn more please get in touch with Marge Gordon at
Pinterest Enthusiast
A number of people pin things they make with FabMo materials but we do not have an official Pinterest account. I know! How does that even work? Needless to say: we need one.
While we can crowd-source pictures this job involves regular involvement with FabMo, so somebody who volunteers at FabMo at least occasionally but maybe lives too far away to come as often as they would like would be great. Experience pinning and promoting a Pinterest account would certainly be helpful. This is a long time commitment of at least a year, ideally longer.
Event Planner/Helper
Okay, the secret is out, we are planning an event in October in connection with our annual FabMo Boutique to make FabMo more well-known in the community inviting local journalists, politicians, other creative reuse focused not-for profits and influencers. We are looking for several volunteers for this, incl. a couple people who don’t need much experience in event planning who can just jump in and help out. We are also looking for well-connected people who can help us reach out to help us work on our invitee list.
Your level of involvement is flexible but we are looking for people who are available through October.
Guest Blogger
Do you use FabMo materials for your creations and are willing to share what you make and how? Do you have a topic around FabMo’s dual mission of creative reuse and good stewardship of the earth you want to publish in our blog? Are you using FabMo materials to benefit another not-for profit and want our community to know about it? We are always looking for different voices! While we love pictures of cool projects, the blog is more than that, think about 500 - 1000 words of text or instructions (video would be great but definitely not a must) to accompany whatever pictures you want to show.
Blogging can be a one time thing or an ongoing commitment. It depends on you how much you want to take on.
That’s it for now. More to come. Check often and if you have questions, please contact us.