FabMo Blogs
Explore the world of FabMo and find
Cool (and mostly easy) projects using FabMo materialsGREEN LIVING
Ideas on how to be a good steward of the environmentACTIVITIES & EVENTS
Blogs about fun times with FabMo and friendsFEATURING FabMo
More about who we are, what we think, and what we do
Mid-century Modern Wall Art with FabMo Materials
Instructions for making wall art using paint chips
My Doll's Closet - Fun Contest for All
FabMo and Flora Makes Me Smile creator Giada Conte are bringing you a fun, creative contest called” My Doll’s Closet. Design and outfit of Flora’s doll Viola using scraps, remnants and creativity. Find out how you can participate.
Sewing on Paper
Have you ever wondered whether you can sew on paper? Wonder no more, our guest author Maureen shares tips and tricks.
Enjoy and share some creative relief!
In these times of quarantine a creative project can provide some relief and distraction. Please help us make this happen!
Spring is in the air
Carded samples make lovely spring buntings. Read out blog to find out how to make them.
Everybody Needs a Hobby!
January was National Hobby Month and somehow the topic of hobbies kept coming up. Here is why you need a hobby and why it should be a hobby, not a side gig.
The Ultimate Sensory Blanket
First part of a multiple blog series where clinical psychologist Cheryl Hankin develops a sensory blanket and works with the director of a Senior clinic and the residents to figure out the best combination of features. Follow on this journey developing the ultimate sensory blanket with lots of FabMo materials!
Instructions: Festive Mini Ribbon Bunting with FabMo Materials
Instructions to make a Ribbon Mini Bunting using your FabMo kit or materials you collected yourself. Have fun!
Instructions: "FabMo Wreath" from Curtain Remnants
Ever wondered what to do with a bunch of FabMo curtain samples (sheers) - here is your answer. Make a shabby-chic wreath! Easy and no-sew, but you need patience!
Making a Fabulous FabMo Jacket
Our guest blogger Melissa Lin made this beautiful jacket from FabMo material. Read her blog here.
30 Seconds in Use - 1000 Years in the Landfill
Single use utensils are harmful to the environment. Why not make a cute wrap with FabMo materials and take your reusable cutlery along. These simple projects also make great gifts!
To Go or not To Go?
Eating out a lot? Like to take the leftovers home but hate all those plastic single use containers? We might just have the FabMo solution for you!
Project of the month - February 2018
the project of the month in February 2018 were these cute little wallpaper boxes. Check out this blog and find the link to our instructional video.
Who Doesn't Love Pretty Wallpaper?
Fabric is cool- wallpaper is, too. There are many wonderful things you can do with the fun wallpaper FabMo rescues every week. Continue reading for some wallpaper facts and project ideas.
Reusable Beeswax Wraps
Cling wrap is not recyclable, aluminum foil can leach aluminum into our food so why not have some fun and make these reusable beeswax wraps?